Biblioteca do Café

Navegação por autor "Carvalho, Milene Alves Figueiredo"

Navegação por autor "Carvalho, Milene Alves Figueiredo"

Classificar por: Ordenar: Resultados:

  • Lima, Amador Eduardo de; Castro, Elisa de Melo; Cunha, Samuel Henrique Braga da; Guimarães, Rubens José; Chalfun, Nilton Nagib Jorge; Carvalho, Alex Mendonça de; Alves, Eduardo; Carvalho, Milene Alves Figueiredo (Universidade Federal de Lavras, 2023-07-19)
    The production of seedlings is a determining factor for the establishment and success of the coffee plantation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the production of Coffea canephora seedlings by cuttings in a ...

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